Hello from Angel Field Heirloom Farms
My Name is Farmer, Joyce Beggs
A Certified Seeds Saver, Horticulturist, Botanist of Historical Plants & Native Americans Natural Food Supply & Seeds under the USDA and Founder of Angel Field.
We farm on the Late Shepard Mallory farmland and take care of his historical plants and muscadine grape vine, along with other Native Americans Secret Healing Fruits, Vegetables, Herds and Winter Vegetables that served as Native Americans Medicine, use to heal and feed thousands of Contraband Slaves seeking Freedom at Fort Monroe. This new “Slabtown City” was Called Chesapeake City, before being know as Phoebus. Mallory's muscadine grape vine collection was giving to him by an Ex-Slave Named “James Kirkpatrick” in 1889, who trade during Slavery were Construction. The Kirkpatrick Home still stand on this historical landmark property this day, because he build this farm home with true 4x4 and true 2x2 beyond our present building Code of today.
Our Mission
Angel Field Heirloom Farms focus on ongoing research of collecting fruit and vegetables of Shepard Mallory. To preserve this Historical Farmland and Farmhouse of the Contraband Slaves as I continue to meet with Native Americans and their Reservations here in the United States to uncover and restore all “Native Organic Farming Secrets to benefit and education our society of “Pure Community Love Native Americans gave to the Contraband Slaves to build their First Free Community during the Civil War in the United States. With Survival Skills they shared with Contraband Slaves and Irish Immigrants here in the United States of America.
Angel Field Mission is to protect our heirloom fruits and vegetable seeds from distinctions, preserving the pure nutritional value for your enjoyment toward a healthy lifestyle to grow in our Home Gardens or Farms. Identifying Native Vegetable Plants still growing freely on old farmland here in Virginia collected By the Honorable Shepard Mallory, who collected Native Americans Vegetables and Farming Secrets to feed new growing Camps of Contraband Slaves here in Virginia.
Angel Field mission is to collect and sharing all historical heirlooms and open-pollinated heirloom tomato seeds and heirloom vegetables seeds from all over the world for your gardens and farms. Especially, focusing on collecting all Native Americans, Natives Hawaiian Americans and Irish Americans historical Seeds Supply. Because the world natural food supplies and the farming industry changed in the 1920's when laboratory started altering the gene structure of natural fruits and vegetables, starting with the "Muscadine Grapes" The Natives Americans Medicine" in 1910.
We also Dance and Sing with our Historical Fresh Fruit and Vegetables display at your Events. We sing both Native Americans and Hawaiian Song and Hula Dancing, Jazz, Disney Songs to teach “”American Native Community Love and Vegetable History””. Invite us to your Next Event, Powwow, Aloha, Feasible or event and Email me for information [email protected] for detail or visit us http://www.angelfieldfarms.com/agriculturist-entertainment.html
Our mission includes daily care and protecting endangered Native Americans historical fruit trees, heirloom plants located on our historical farms, with your continuous purchases of our organic seeds and Plants. The world natural food supplies and the farming industry changed in the 1920's when laboratory started altering the gene structure of natural fruits and vegetables, starting with the "Muscadine Grape" The Natives Americans Medicine" in 1910. We are researching and collecting seeds and plants brought to the United States By Irish Immigrants on or around 1861. Our Research shows forth, Irish Immigrants also shared their food and farming secrets with Native Americans who also, protected said Native Americans Food and Farming Secrets as Free Slaves of American.
Our Mission of passion, is to continue to learn Natives Americans Farming Secrets and Collecting Cancer Fighting Fruits and Vegetables that will benefit society and improve the health of all society with our fast growing heirloom Seeds Inventory of “Pure Vegetables Seeds” to be a part of your daily diet across the world for all gardeners and farmers.
Our Future Mission: is to protect endangered plants and trees from new development and construction zones by relocation. is one of our future mission, with the help of American Native Americans proper Identities and relocation of these historical trees and plants. Especially the "Mother Muscadine Grape Vine" brought to these historical farms by the Kirkpatrick family after the Civil War 1879, before scientists began altering this historical "Mother Vine" DNA to produce softer skin. On or around 1961 Chinese Scientists discovered missing DNA structures and plant properties genetically altered with the inability for Native Americans to use Hybridized "mother Vines of their Muscadine Grapes as medical property.
Our Mission with your continued support of purchasing our seeds and plants will help us work Native Americans Reservations across America, to adopt endangers native plants during relocation and replacement.
Reserving native plants will not only add pure nutritional values to our daily lives, it will bring about a new gratitude of respect to all Natives American Tribes who shared their food and farming secrets as a survival food source of their vegetable plants, historical seeds and care for historical plants to Irish immigrants, Contraband Slaves, United States Slaves, Amish, and Mennonite Communities.
Most importantly Angel Field Mission is to collect and understand the Native Americans Organic Farming Techniques to help underdeveloped Countries like become self-reliance in sustaining of producing their own food supply.
Angel Field’s Accomplishments
Angel Field Heirloom Seeds descriptions are based on careful studies of {Native Americans Food History and Contraband Slaves Survive Food History, giving to them by Native Americans, and Irish Americans after the Civil war. We here at Angel Field also collect and preserving all Historical Seeds and Open Pollinated Seeds to protect naturally pure food supply all over the world 'as we call them Treasures here on our Farm'.
2014 we have just identified the wild tomatoes growing on our Historical Farm called an Aunt Molly Ground Cherry and the Virginia Ground Cherry Tomatoes. We spent many years trying to identify the “Native American Sweet Wild Tomatoes” said to be still growing on this historical property. So for 20 years we have grown every historical heirloom tomato looking for a variety that match any historical plans brought to this property by "Hon Shepard Mallory". He collected Plants an exchange for parts on his property giving to him by Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler after the Civil War to help rebuild Hampton calling this New town Chesapeake City.
We are taken setting out plans this year to preserve the very important farm home of the Kirkpatrick Family. This is the only Home Built by the Hands of Contraband Slaves standing in American from the Town called Chesapeake City overlooking Fort Monroe.
We also preserve and protect all Native Americans Historical Plants still growing on the Shepard Mallory & Kirkpatrick Family Farms an just completed proper Identifications of all historical Native American plants the Kirkpatrick Family brought here after the Civil War from Willard N. C.
So, finding that wild tomatoes were Angel Field's was top priority for years.
For many years I followed the research of the late Chuck" Wyatt collection because he concentrated in collecting tomatoes grown around the Chesapeake Bay in the Maryland and Virginia growing zones, who was from Rosedale Maryland. He specialized in growing hard-to-get vintage tomatoes, after he retired from the Air Force. I learned historical tomato research from following many Botanists like the Late Mr Wyatt and the famous Dr. Carolyn Male and many others for years trying to identify the Native American Wild Tomatoes growing here since 1879. For all the heirloom tomatoes I collected and grew over the years: nothing looked like the returning plants growing at Angell Field every New Springtime of each year. Until a Customer and Farmer from the State of Georgia gave me some seeds of his Aunt Molly's to grow out. I could not believe that the small weeds looking plant I did not like to touch had a very sweet little tomato inside the small paper husk.
Exciting Exciting:
Yes, America Farming is Exciting, for us Female Farmers too, Amen!! I studies with many college students from Virginia to Hawaii in identifying finding good descriptions of historical vegetable over the years as well. Looking for these historical wild tomatoes has been an exciting adventurer, which caused our heirloom tomatoes seed inventory supplies to increase over the last 20 years, before our other Native Heirlooms Winter Vegetables could be grown in large crops on our historical Farms. and collected.
But you will enjoy our seeds selection we have to offer you.
So put a little history in your garden and pure nutrients on your table.
May God Bless Native Americans because they taught the American Slaves how to plant wild foods that grew back each year in wooded and open plains area’s for a survival food supply.
We are very thankful To God: that we have identified the last Historical Plant growing on Angel Field Farms and her historical properties.
All plants grown on our historical property produces historical seeds using Native American Organic Farming Secret Techniques With timely research followed by our own growing experiments with these precious historical plants to insure high quality Seeds for your gardens and farms.
We also support Dyslexia Organizations we have a Farmer who suffers from Dyslexia. President Abraham Lincoln suffered from Dyslexia as well but was great Farmer, Attorney and President of the United States. So If you have any problems understanding our Research and Missions please call us. 757-263-7784 or email us [email protected]
Farmer, Joyce Beggs
The Contraband Story
A special blend of the Largest Tomato we grow on our farm.
Angel Field Heirloom Tomato seeds are a mix of over 20 varieties of Large Heirloom tomatoes grown in here at Angel Field to give everyone the needed opportunity to enjoy these beautiful Large Mixed Heirlooms of Tomatoes, during these hard economic times. Your new venture of growing heirloom tomatoes for the first time or just Eatable Tomato Colorful Art of Big Beautiful Large Colorfully Historical Tomatoes will save your money while you learn. These Seeds are not separated but combined together for your enjoyment of a beautiful surprise of Rainbows Display of Large tomatoes at a "Very" low cost of growing many different varieties, with “no cherry tomatoes”. Indian Strip, Japanese Trifele, Delicious, Reif Red Heart, Cherokee Purple, Costoluto Genovese, Carbon, Crnkovic Yugoslavian, Watermelon Beefsteak, Red Brandywine, Black Tomatoes, Pink Brandywines, Kentucky Orange, German Johnson, Cherokee Purple, Pineapple, Beefsteak, Mortgage Lifters, Great White Beefsteak, Hawaiian Pineapple, Chuck’s Yellow, Diener, Church, White Queens, Amish Paste, Geswein Purple. Black Seaman, and more large Tomato Seeds.
Over 30 Seeds or 6 Mixed Fresh Heirloom Tomatoes